Our Approach

A unique approach to unique businesses, motivating staff and building success

Motivus Training recognises the challenges that organisations need to overcome to grow their business and develop and retain skilled team members. Motivus Training has been designed to address common pressure points in motivating staff such as;

  • Employees are now knowledge workers of some type.  The human capital of an organisation is the key resource and their productivity depends on their knowledge and skill... and so does your bottom line.
  • Getting and keeping skilled and knowledgeable staff is a constant challenge.  Hence organisations often have to grow their own, in an affordable way, quickly.
  • Knowledge frontiers are evolving very rapidly, therefore keeping up with the latest knowledge and skills, or even ensuring basic competence, is challenging.
  • Off-the-shelf training does not cover developments in the last 2 to 5 years. In most fields, utilising this information can provide a critical competitive edge and too few trainers are actively and competently absorbing the latest information and research, and turning it into high quality visual and learnable content and skills for effective training.
  • Classroom training is still the fastest and surest way to ensure that staff get skilled up quickly.  Online courses and books are useful, but they are not sufficiently used.  Most people are not readers.  How can you be sure they have taken on new information, and that they have done so quickly enough to not cost you customers, mistakes, or reputation?
  • Training content is often not evidence based.  There is no overt evidence offered of the effectiveness of the material that is taught.  For example, in psychology, material is often pop psychology, rather than science and evidence based.
  • Training is often completed with little application to current situations, or use of any process that enrols the team in its use or application to their problems.
  • In-house training often has limits, for a range of reasons.  In addition, the cost of internal training, or a cost per course basis, is usually significantly more expensive than is realised.  Internal training certainly has an important role, but at a minimum, it often needs supplementing.
  • External training is often expensive, and the return on investment in training is not provided or readily apparent.

We address these common problem areas by:

  1. Using the latest material and topics
  2. Offering affordably priced training that adds value
  3. Using offline approaches, with role plays and other processes to assist learning now
  4. Focusing on evidence based content
  5. Facilitating discussion about your current situation, especially in workshops
  6. Offering flexible and customised training to meet your exact needs
  7. Providing reports that estimate your return on investment in training, and how to monitor it.

Trainers with content, and presenting skills

Your trainer or facilitator will be skilled in the content, both in theory and practice. The trainer or workshop leader will also be skilled in the latest facilitation, game-changing and visual thinking techniques.

In some areas, to ensure cutting edge material at appropriate length, we also licence the use of world class research, and present that in chewable chunks, using role plays and discussions that ensure adults learn.

The Founders and Trainers at Motivus Training have founded or run businesses, or both.  They have been involved in things that work, and things that have not.  They learnt as much from what didn't work, as from what did.  These experiences and learnings are part of the value and content provided.